Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Religion and Theology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Religion and Theology - Essay Example From this report it is clear that Christians are authorized to preserve the environment and make it a better place to live in. As a Christian, one should preserve the environment to ensure its survival. The destruction of the environment always results in the suffering of human beings. For instance, deforestation has caused desertification in many parts of the earth. On the other hand, desertification has led to drought and consequently famine in which many humans end up losing their lives. From this discussion, Christians should preserve the environment tirelessly as a way of saving humankind and the rest of God’s creation.This discussion declares that  the Christian belief in evil is that anything that is evil does not come from God.   Evil is anything that causes suffering to humans as well as their environment. For instance, wildfire is seen as being evil since it causes deaths to many animals while others are forced to migrate from their habitats. Similarly, war is se en as evil by Christians since it results in many people dying while others migrate to other places where they might not be welcome. To the majority of the Christians, one inherent characteristic of God is that He is good.  As such, goodness flows from God while evil comes from Satan.   Notably, the Bible states that God is good, and His love endures forever. This is one belief that Christians have maintained for centuries and has kept them to stick to the Christian faith.

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